
Virtual Desktop Interface

The flexibility of the work environment from anywhere on any device reducing the cost with security. 

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VDI Secure Desktop:

Remotely access organization sensitive data and documentation, while keeping your organization data under safe and control.

Authentication VDI

Authentication to Access desktops using temporary tokens generated randomly 

LDAP/Active Directory

LDAP/Active Directory Integration for Single Sign-on


More Features

Very Faster using the think Clients are Web Browsers

Very Fast

Very Faster using the think Clients are Web Browsers
Virtual interface for Windows and Linux OS or any KVM Compatable OS

Windows & Linux

Virtual interface for Windows and Linux OS or any KVM Compatable OS
VDI's can be increase/decrease based on the requirement.


VDI’s can be increase/decrease based on the requirement.
A very lightweight Client or Can be used any browser to access.


A very lightweight Client or Can be used any browser to access.

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